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Intranet Terminology

The intranet uses terminology of its own to describe what you can host on it. Here's a glossary:



A collection of assignments, assignment groups and metadata, represented as the "root unit" on the intranet. Can be used to represent workshops, projects, etc.

An activity serves as the fundamental unit on the intranet, encompassing assignments, assignment groups, and associated metadata. It functions as the central entity representing various educational tasks such as workshops, projects, and more.

An assignment, existing within the intranet, is a modular unit that may or may not require correction and validation. Typically, it represents a specific task for students, ranging from exercises and practical work to project steps. The primary goal of an activity is to present assignments to students, automatically assess them, and furnish feedback. Once completed, students validate the assignment before progressing to the next one.


A unit on the intranet that can (but does not have to) be correctable and can be validated. This will generally represent a unit of work to be done for the student: an exercise, a practical ("TP"), or a step of a project.

Assignment group

A collection of assignments and other assignment groups. Assignment groups can depend on one another by defining precedence. Assignment groups can be validated.

Hierarchies of assignment groups are generally represented as graphs.


A tenant is an organization or department that hosts projects on the intranet. Tenants can also host additional information on the intranet such as documents.

Validation mode

The policy according to which an activity or an assignment group is considered validated depending on the status of the contained assignments and assignments groups.