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Server Configuration


Once you've established a connection with Discord, you can begin configuring your servers. Configuration is an essential step to tailor the EPITA Forge bot to the specific needs of your server.

Accessing Your Servers

You can view and configure your servers by visiting the Server Dashboard.

Visibility and Access

Only servers where you are considered a bot master will be visible on your dashboard. For a detailed definition of bot master, refer to the section Defining Bot Masters bellow.

Server states

On the dashboard, you can see the list of servers where the bot is present. Each server is represented by a card with the following information depending on the server's state:

  • Setup: Indicates that the server is not yet recognized by the bot. Clicking 'Setup' will invite the bot to the server.
  • Go: Denotes a server that is already known by the bot, and with the bot present, it's ready for configuration.

Dashboard Division

The server dashboard is split into two main sections: Settings and Plugins. The plugins section will be elaborated upon in a following chapter.


In the settings area, you can manage core functionalities of your server’s interaction with the EPITA Forge bot.

Defining Bot Masters

Bot masters are individuals or roles that have the authority to access your Dashboard and modify command and plugin configurations. By default, any Discord role with the Administrator permission is considered a bot master.

Custom Bot Masters

In addition to Discord roles with administrative privileges, you can designate specific Forge groups or individual Forge logins as bot masters, granting them the same level of access.

Log Channel Configuration

A log channel is essential for tracking the bot’s activities on your server. You can define a specific Discord channel as your log channel where the bot will report the following events:

  • Consent grants
  • Consent revocations
  • Plugin updates
  • Server configuration changes

This centralized logging is crucial for maintaining transparency and accountability in server management.