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Assistant Discord Bot

The Forge provides a bot dedicated to managing remote permanences. It is currently mostly used by engineering cycle assistants (YAKA and ACU).

It is useful for:

  • Managing remote permanences, automatically create voice channels for students and manage a queue of requests
  • Authenticating students that wish to access a Discord server with protected channels and resources.
Discord does not require authentication for files

Beware that Discord does not enforce any authentication on shared files. Anyone with a link to a file can download it, even if they were not the original recipient of said file. Avoid sharing confidential resources on Discord via files.

The authentication protocol is available at the following address:

Please contact us if you wish to add this Discord bot to your server.

Overview of the requests workflow

Here's an overview of the workflow for the Discord bot.

Red boxes are commands performed by assistants. Blue boxes are commands performed by students

Commands for managers

These commands are usable by managers, e.g. assistants in charge of remote permanences.


This command opens the query queue and takes the following format:

!enable <cri-group> <tag>


This command allows to disable the queue, according to the following format:

!disable # Disable all tags for a all groups
!disable <cri-group> # Disable all the tags for this group
!disable <cri-group> <tag> # Disable this tag specifically for this group


This command allows to take the request of a student:

!take <login>

The login can be removed from the command if the bot message is answered directly.


This command allows to reject the request of a student:

!reject <login> <reason>

The login can be removed from the command if the bot message is answered directly.


This command allows to close the request channel for the student:

!close <login>

The login can be removed if the command is run in the request channel itself.


This command allows an assistant to create a request channel for a student:

!create <login>

Commands for everyone


This command prints all the open tags:



This command adds a person to the current request:

!add <login...>

Commands for students


This command allows a student to ask a question in the following format:

!request <[TAG]> <question...>


This command allows students to cancel their request:
